Data Sent With Events
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Data Sent With Events

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Article summary

widget_loaded event contains following data:

  "widget_id": "30096",
  "widget_name": "Local Widget",
  "widget_location": ""

question_loaded event contains following data:

  "widget_id": "30096",
  "widget_name": "Local Widget",
  "widget_location": "",
  "widget_question_id": "953",
  "widget_question_text": "What do you want to do today?"

college_loaded event contains following data:

  "widget_id": "30096",
  "widget_name": "Local Widget",
  "widget_location": ""

option_clicked event contains following data:

  "widget_id": "30096",
  "widget_name": "Local Widget",
  "widget_location": "",
  "widget_question_id": "953",
  "widget_question_text": "What do you want to do today?",
  "widget_option_id": "1361",
  "widget_option_text": "Not Sure"

form_opened event contains following data:

  "widget_id": "30096",
  "widget_name": "Local Widget",
  "widget_location": ""

form_closed event contains following data:

  "widget_id": "30096",
  "widget_name": "Local Widget",
  "widget_location": ""

lead_submitted event contains following data:

  "widget_id": "30096",
  "widget_name": "Local Widget",
  "widget_location": ""

For information about how to use the events, please visit Events From Widgets.

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